Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy Once Worked at Palm Mortuary in Las Vegas

Notorious serial killer John Wayne Gacy, who was known for entertaining children while dressed as a clown.

John Wayne Gacy is one of the most notorious and well-known serial killers in American history. Gacy murdered at least 33 young men and buried 26 of them in the crawls pace of his house in Chicago. At the same time Gacy was embarking on his murder spree, he presented a façade of normalcy as a husband, successful businessman, and political activist.

But before he committed his first of many murders, Gacy would spend time working with corpses that he had no hand in killing while employed as an assistant at Palm Mortuary in Las Vegas. And on one lonely night, when it was just Gacy and the voiceless dead, the budding killer for the first time gave into urges that had been roiling beneath the surface of his psyche.

Palm Mortuary, where John Wayne Gacy worked during his brief time living in Las Vegas. (

Seeking to escape his tyrannical father, a teenage Gacy made his way to Las Vegas where his cousin resided. After blowing most of his money and owing a debt to a local ambulance company as a result of a trip to the emergency room, Gacy sought employment with the ambulance service. He lied and claimed he was 21 years old - the minimum age to work as a driver. Once his true age was discovered by his employer, he was transferred to work as an assistant at Palm Mortuary.

In his employ with the mortuary, Gacy was left alone for hours every night with only corpses for company. Due to his dire financial circumstances, Gacy was also permitted to live at the mortuary, allowing him even more time with the dead.

Gacy’s interactions with his lifeless wards began with him speaking to the dead bodies at the mortuary. However, Gacy was soon wearing the clothes of the deceased as his fascination with the dead grew.

But what most piqued Gacy’s interest were the bodies of young men. One day, Gacy became fixated on the body of a 16-year-old boy in the repository. Unable to control his compulsion to possess the young man’s body, Gacy proceeded to strip down and engage in necrophilic acts with the corpse.

The funeral director was suspicious of his assistant’s late-night activities, but Gacy was never caught int he act. Gacy later confessed to his actions at Palm Mortuary after his arrest for dozens of murders, but once he was on death row the sociopathic killer later denied that he had done anything improper to the bodies he oversaw.

We gathered a lot of our background info on Gacy’s time in Vegas from Sinister Isles.

Below are excerpts from an unknown author about Gacy’s activities at Palm Mortuary. CAUTION: the content is graphic.


Anthony Smith